Project: Translational Workforce Development, Career Navigation System
Summary: In collaboration with the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University, we are working on a Translational Workforce Development (TWD) project. The TWD is a program of the Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance (Georgia CTSA).
TWD recognizes the need for education and support for the entire clinical and translational research workforce, beyond formally trained faculty, trainees, and fellows. The program brings together expertise in learning, performance, technology, workforce development, and clinical and translational science in order to:
- Develop a proof-of-concept system to assess the learning needs of the clinical and translational research workforce – the Self-directed Training, Education, Life-long Learning Advancement Resource (STELLAR) prototype.
- Seek ways to extend training and career development structures to the broader clinical research workforce within the Georgia CTSA and to the national CTSA community.
Institutional Partners: Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University
Faculty: Ikeson Choi, Janette Hill, Jay Rojewski
Project: Innovations for Health Professions Education
Summary: The Department of Career and Information Studies (CIS) has established a formal relationship with Inje University College of Medicine (IUCM) in South Korea. IUCM is a leading institution in medical education in South Korea and is rooted in Paik Hospital, the first civil non-profit organization of its kind in Korea. The College of Medicine itself in Inje University has 700 faculty members and 600 medical students who receive advanced medical education through five university hospitals.
Since 2009, UGA and IUCM have been exchanging scholars and collaborating research projects for medical education, resulting in extensive research opportunities for faculty and doctoral students conducting their doctoral dissertation. With a formal partnership, the current collaborative projects (faculty research, faculty exchanges, and students research) will be enhanced and better supported, and opportunities will be extended to more faculty members inside of CIS as well as outside such such as those in the UGA Medical Partnership. Through this collaboration, CIS will be able to provide strong leadership in medical education in both South Korea and the USA.
Institutional Partners: Inje University College of Medicine
Faculty: Ikseon Choi, Janette Hill, Don Scott (UGA Medical Partnership)
Resources: Coming soon